LeetCode 1010 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 (Python)

Posted by 小明MaxMing on December 8, 2020


You are given a list of songs where the ith song has a duration of time[i] seconds.

Return the number of pairs of songs for which their total duration in seconds is divisible by 60. Formally, we want the number of indices i, j such that i < j with (time[i] + time[j]) % 60 == 0.




class Solution:
    def numPairsDivisibleBy60(self, time: List[int]) -> int:
        ct = Counter([t % 60 for t in time])
        res = 0
        res += ct[0] * (ct[0] - 1) // 2
        res += ct[30] * (ct[30] - 1) // 2
        res += sum([ct[i] * ct[60 - i] for i in range(1, 30)])
        return res

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