LeetCode 1003 Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions (Python)

Posted by 小明MaxMing on April 26, 2020


We are given that the string “abc” is valid.

From any valid string V, we may split V into two pieces X and Y such that X + Y (X concatenated with Y) is equal to V. (X or Y may be empty.) Then, X + “abc” + Y is also valid.

If for example S = “abc”, then examples of valid strings are: “abc”, “aabcbc”, “abcabc”, “abcabcababcc”. Examples of invalid strings are: “abccba”, “ab”, “cababc”, “bac”.

Return true if and only if the given string S is valid.



class Solution:
    def isValid(self, S: str) -> bool:
        while 'abc' in S:
            S = S.replace("abc", "")
        return not S

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