LeetCode 705 Design HashSet (Python)

Posted by 小明MaxMing on August 2, 2020


Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries.

To be specific, your design should include these functions:

  • add(value): Insert a value into the HashSet.
  • contains(value) : Return whether the value exists in the HashSet or not.
  • remove(value): Remove a value in the HashSet. If the value does not exist in the HashSet, do nothing.




class Node:
    def __init__(self, value, nextNode=None):
        self.val = value
        self.next = nextNode
class Bucket:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = Node(0)
    def exists(self, val):
        cur = self.head.next
        while cur:
            if cur.val == val:
                return True
            cur = cur.next
        return False
    def insert(self, val):
        if not self.exists(val):
            node = Node(val, self.head.next)
            self.head.next = node
    def delete(self, val):
        pre = self.head
        cur = self.head.next
        while cur:
            if cur.val == val:
                pre.next = cur.next
            pre = cur
            cur = cur.next
class MyHashSet:

    def __init__(self):
        Initialize your data structure here.
        self.m = 1009
        self.bucket = [Bucket() for i in range(self.m)]

    def _hash(self, key):
        return key % self.m
    def add(self, key: int) -> None:

    def remove(self, key: int) -> None:

    def contains(self, key: int) -> bool:
        Returns true if this set contains the specified element
        return self.bucket[self._hash(key)].exists(key)

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