LeetCode 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Python)

Posted by 小明MaxMing on April 13, 2021


Given a string containing digits from 2-9 inclusive, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. Return the answer in any order.

A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. Note that 1 does not map to any letters.




class Solution:
    def letterCombinations(self, digits: str) -> List[str]:
        if not digits:
            return []
        dic = {'2':"abc", '3':"def", '4':"ghi", '5':"kjl", '6':"mno", '7':"pqrs", '8':"tuv", '9':"wxyz"}
        res = [c for c in dic[digits[0]]]
        for d in digits[1:]:
                res = [i + c for i in res for c in dic[d]]
        return res

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