LeetCode LeetCode 1515 Best Position for a Service Centre (Python)

Posted by 小明MaxMing on July 11, 2020


A delivery company wants to build a new service centre in a new city. The company knows the positions of all the customers in this city on a 2D-Map and wants to build the new centre in a position such that the sum of the euclidean distances to all customers is minimum.

Given an array positions where positions[i] = [xi, yi] is the position of the ith customer on the map, return the minimum sum of the euclidean distances to all customers.

In other words, you need to choose the position of the service centre [xcentre, ycentre] such that the following formula is minimized:

Answers within 10^-5 of the actual value will be accepted.


如果把结果的x y坐标为xy轴,距离所有点距离之和为z轴,那么图像一定存在一个最小值,而且不存在局部最小值



class Solution:
    def getMinDistSum(self, positions: List[List[int]]) -> float:
        def dist(a, b):
            res = 0
            for x, y in positions:
                res += math.sqrt((x-a)**2 + (y-b)**2)
            return res
        step = 1
        n = len(positions)
        curx = cury = 0
        for x, y in positions:
            curx += x
            cury += y
        curx /= n
        cury /= n
        curdist = dist(curx, cury)
        while step > 0.000001:
            f = True
            for dirx, diry in [(0, step), (0, -step), (step, 0), (-step, 0)]:
                tx, ty = curx + dirx, cury + diry
                tmp = dist(tx, ty)
                if tmp < curdist:
                    curdist = tmp
                    curx, cury = tx, ty
                    f = False
            if f:
                step /= 10
        return curdist

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